Ariadne & Theseus // Jonas & Martha - Dark Nexflix

The   story of the Aegean Sea & The symbolic representation of Ariadne and Theseus’ love in Dark (played by Jonas and Martha): One day, Theseus, tells his father (King Aegeus) that he wants to go Crete as one of the seven men in order to kill Minotaurus. His father gives him permission to go and Theseus sets out to Crete.   The King hangs a black flag on Theseus' ship, and tells his son to hang a white flag instead of the black flag so that he can see that he's alive. When they arrive in Crete, King Minos welcomes the seven men. Theseus and Ariadne (King Minos’ daughter) fall in love at first sight. Ariadne tries to discourage Theseus from the journey that will lead his death but Theseus doesn’t give up. When Ariadne understands Theseus is sure about himself, she tells him: “There isn’t any survivor who entered the labyrinth (maze). Minotaurus has never left any of his victims alive. Even if you kill him, it’s not easy to get out from that maze. I’m going to give

Pygmalion and Galatea

                 "Pygmalion and Galatea - Ernest Normand (1886)"                        

In ancient Greece, on the island of Cyprus, there lived a talented sculptor, named Pygmalion. He was so talented that his works, which were carved with beautiful ivory statues, were enough to seem real. Although he loved his work so much, he was not happy because he was so lonely. However, he didn’t want to get a wife because of the ruts of women in that period and he had no hope for to be love or loved by a woman so that he decided to make a statue “which” is the woman of his dreams. He had made and was charmed by the statue because it looked so alive. He kissed it and imagined that it kissed him back. He bought fancy gifts for it, dressed it with lots of glamorous jewels, and also laid with it and "called for it his bedfellow". So, he really fell in love with the statue.

When the Festival of Venus time came, he prayed the gods saying that ‘’If you gods can give all things, may I have as my wife, I pray’’ and continued ‘’one like the ivory maid’’. Noone but Venus understood his offer and she, goddess of love and beauty had turned Pygmalion’s statue to a real human being, to a woman, before he arrived at his home. When he arrived, he as always kissed his lover and realized that now his dreams about his statue came true. After that point, with Pygmalion's and Galatea’s great love, Venus married off them. As a gift, they had a child named Paphos, from whom the island took its name.

The artist, Ernest Normand, had chosen the realization point of transformation of Galatea in his painting because it is the highest point in the story that gives us the understanding of the power of love. There are two basic similarities and two evident differences between the story and the painting. As a first similarity, the artist reflects the beauty of ‘Galatea’ just as Venus’s beauty because, in the story, we learn that the statue was extremely beautiful and if so, it must be like Venus (the goddess of beauty), with its perfect physical appearance.

Secondly, in the story, Pygmalion dressed only its limbs in robes and it is the same as we see in the painting. On the other hand, as the evident differences, we can say that is the realization of the transformation of Galatea and her place in the painting. Pygmalion realizes her transformation when he kisses her and "feels the warmth of her lips" in the story. However, we see that he sees its transformation with only looking and his shocking appearance when he sees her anthropoid head, vibrant and blonde hairs, blue eyes. The important point is that there is no information about Galatea's blondness in the story.

Another different thing is that Pygmalion had put her to bed, even he called it his bedfellow before the transformation of the statue. Yet, Galatea stands at a table in the painting. As a result, although there are explicit differences, Ernest Normand pictures or externalizes it in a very good way because when we see it, we understand at the very first sight that is the love story before "bed" which is named “Pygmalion and Galatea” and it is the most important point of that story on it.

You can see a few painting examples now;


Jean-Léon Gérôme Pygmalion and Galatea, 1890

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