Ariadne & Theseus // Jonas & Martha - Dark Nexflix

The   story of the Aegean Sea & The symbolic representation of Ariadne and Theseus’ love in Dark (played by Jonas and Martha): One day, Theseus, tells his father (King Aegeus) that he wants to go Crete as one of the seven men in order to kill Minotaurus. His father gives him permission to go and Theseus sets out to Crete.   The King hangs a black flag on Theseus' ship, and tells his son to hang a white flag instead of the black flag so that he can see that he's alive. When they arrive in Crete, King Minos welcomes the seven men. Theseus and Ariadne (King Minos’ daughter) fall in love at first sight. Ariadne tries to discourage Theseus from the journey that will lead his death but Theseus doesn’t give up. When Ariadne understands Theseus is sure about himself, she tells him: “There isn’t any survivor who entered the labyrinth (maze). Minotaurus has never left any of his victims alive. Even if you kill him, it’s not easy to get out from that maze. I’m going to give

Örnek Essay

Do we share personal information on the internet?
Is It Good for Society When We Share

Personal Information Online?


Personal Information Online?

   Personal Information Online?  In this century, human beings have not kept the development of technology under control because of limited time. Technology has many phrases such as money transactions in seconds and booking on Internet.

   Accessing people whenever and wherever they desire, were dream, in 21th century, these phrases have become inevitable parts of our lives. Nowadays, anywhere where people have internet connection and they can transfer their money to another account, organize their vacations, book hotel, airplane, shop from several commercial web sites and accessing people in seconds.
   These issues have become the most important topic in the world since people are forced to do multitask at the same time because of the changes of lifestyles.
   Although technology has seemed innocent and life-saver, the most important question is relevant security, has asked inevitably.
   In addition, people have become much more worried about their own secure to supply get full access for third parties because of sharing personal information such as card number, citizen identification number and home address.
   On the other hand, Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter helped people to be known and famous.
   Thanks to these platforms, people have shared their ideas, plans and opinions with the world with ease. In this point, just one question; is it good to share personal information online, raised in people’s mind.
   This paper will seek answers to this question while analyzing online life, with focusing on huge disadvantages and problems of online world.
   First part of the paper will be about Technology and Development and paper will go on about the security problems.

Technology and Development

Personal Information Online?
   From 20th century to recent days, technology has improved so much. In old days, the world was suffering from low speed of internet, not appropriate programs to mobile phones and deskstops with huge inches.
   In recent days, the world has become smaller and smaller and entered to our pockets. With the help of computer scientists, computer programs have become suitable for mobile phones that are worked with Android and IOS softwares.
   Therefore in one click, we are now able to download many applications on our mobile phones and connect with the world.
   Due to the fact that, the world have struggled with big datas, population have increased day by day, these new technological innovations force us to be online everywhere, do multitask in limited time.
   For instance, with the help of new technology, while checking our e-mails, people are able to transfer their money to another account or book hotel and airplane reservations at the same time.
   Besides, thanks to the social media inventions such as Facebook.
   While doing our jobs, we can communicate with the world check’s latest events or shop from commercial web sites. On the other hand, Silicon Valley in the U.S.A have found out new companies day by day such as Amazon, Instagram, many known companies to make our lives easier and connectable to the world. On the other hand, these companies use their own big servers and databases to keep track client’s information to log in the system.
   Moreover, many companies provide full access of their web sites and applications via Cloud Architecture that works on Internet and have registration system in order to log in system with 7/24.
   Although, these innovations have many advantages, there are many risks for people to be captured their personal informations to third parties.
   Not only making our lives easier, but also emerging security problems for people have big issue to deal with. It's your choice whether to disclose deeply personal information or not.
   Those who find it unnerving or inappropriate can keep that information as secret. But for the rest, social media may end up being a less expensive but helpful form of therapy.’’(Obeidallah, 2013)

Security Problems

Personal Information Online?[/caption]
Personal Information Online?
   In the light of all of these technological platforms and developments, people have forced toshare their personal informations such as their credit card numbers, citizen identification numbers via booking or shopping online.
   Although many innovative huge companies that are the owner of many platforms and web sites on internet give guarantee to protect all personal information, Internet pirates called as hackers can infiltrate and have a chance to gain full of access of these web sites and platforms via brilliant ways such as “DOS (Denial of server attack) , SQL injection or malware”.
   Nowadays, all web sites belonging to many companies have own their databases to keep track of client’s information. Therefore, Database is running on sql prompts to draw data.
   For this reason; Sql injection have been the most known and famous attack system with the help of giving a way for attackers writes sql commands and draw personal data from data bases.
   On the other hand, it is not the only one way to capture information. Owing to fact that day by day technology and security have been improved, new alternative attacker ways have been emerged.
   We can extend examples such as “Malware”. Malware is a program when clients execute this program on its computers, it can damage the whole computer and give a chance to spread our usernames, passwords to third parties with ease.
   Except for web sites, social media is innocent and can be dangerous for us as much as commercial web sites. ‘‘Kids get a bad rap for sharing too much information online, but adults are not much better when it comes to online privacy.
   This issue is creeping into the business world as well.’’(Conner 2012).
   Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become powerful platforms to connect the world, share our ideas, opinions or moments with the world. While sharing our own special moments, ideas, opinions, our life can be sharpened in wrong. As many companies have applied for employer’s social platforms to analyze and understand them before being hired. In essay ‘‘Information Security’’ Bruce Schneier (2009),
   People have always talked about work to their friends. It's human nature for people to talk about what's going on in their lives, and work is a lot of most people's lives. Historically, organizations generally care very much.
   Although some personal information must be secret and keep inside, people are so eager to share their ideas and choices of religion, political party and so on.
   All of these informations make people to be not part of the company that does not share same ideas and opinions. Furthermore, it is not so innocent that these informations can isolate people from others who doesn’t share same ideas or opinions.
   On the other hand, nowadays everybody has become famous inevitably thanks to Facebook or Instagram.
   While sharing pictures, giving our current locations from holiday or far away from our home, many innocents can rob a robber to our own private living areas.
   Even though Facebook and Instagram companies give a guarantee in order not to sell and give information to third parties, all recent news showed the world Facebook sold 50 million people’s own information during American elections. Although, Facebook have denied, people have started to question about their privacy on social media in their minds.


Personal Information Online?
   To conclude; companies and web sites owners have worked hard to define new ways against attackers and repel them but one thing will be obvious for the world. The more the technology will become innovative, the more people will be in risk.
   On the other hand, people cannot escape from new online world and its easiness because human being can live via knowing all risks and minimize these risks while using all of their personal information online such as using trustworthy and having more than millions of clients’ webs sites like not sharing all of their private life in social media second by second.
    For instance, if people do not share their more private information online, there cannot be huge risks on social media. They cannot destroy all risks maybe, but they can minimize the risks with knowing online world is not innocent.


Obeidellah,Dean.(2013). ‘‘Are we sharing too much online.’’
Retrieved from
Conner, Cherly (2012). ‘‘Sharing too much,it will be cost you.’’
Retrieved from
Schneier, Bruce (2009). ‘‘Information Security.’’
Retrieved from

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